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Engineer, MBA as in State Bank of India up to join

At a time when the chips are down in the private sector economy and downsizing looms are in danger of candidates with professional qualification entry level jobs, public-sector banks are engaging in.

The State Bank of India recruitment trend is seen in other public sector banks and the landscape is no different.

12th grade (minimum 60 percent total points) degree from a recognized University or with the position of mainline banking operations assistant, qualifying for the lowest level, however, SBI in computer engineering and business administration professional qualifications to attract candidates with successful.

Expand branch networks, staff shortages, particularly in rural and semi-urban branches coupled with the need to reduce in recruiting new assistants 20682 FY2013 SBI was seen.

More than 30 million candidates for the position of assistants appeared.
Fast track promotion

Fast track to boost public sector banks, in the process, a senior Government banker said an Assistant General Manager can expect to retire.

"There are cases whereby a candidate included a bank purpose but as an adjunct to the position are probationary Officer (PO). Once the candidate selects PO exam cracks and, he is also a Deputy Managing Director (SBI) or the Chairman and Managing Director (in a public sector Bank), can grow to be if he's a fast-Tracker, "he said.

In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, SBI recruitment of probationary officers 847. Seventeen million candidates applied for the position possess.

On March 2, 2013, the Bank employees had 95,364 (until March 2012 15481.) on your roll, 80796, 1, 09686 assistants and 37814 will continue.

During the year, the total number of bank branches, branches to 719 14816 taking added. of these, 66 per cent of rural branches and semi-urban areas.

"Officers Assistant grade as well as the only far-reaching change of attitude among employees throughout their customer interface and services brought in branches as widespread recruitment of staff Gen-next, enhance staff productivity and also improve the efficiency of/in a catalyst," said in its annual report to SBI.

FY2013, SBI's net profit per employee and per employee rose to 9.44 million RS (RS in FY2012 7.98 million) and RS 6.45 million (RS 5.31 million).

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